Tembe this is why you’re the goat. I have read so many reviews of All Fours this summer and not one has ever remotely alluded to or touched on this horrendous privilege and racist & colonialist rhetoric in the novel. I actually cannot believe the amount of coverage I’ve seen of this book and not one mention of these themes - this reviews makes it seem like a completely different novel!!!! When it comes white womans desire, it is always considered in a vacuum.

I understand why middle aged white women for a variety of reasons are desperate to feel seen - and did so in All Fours, because older women are told by society they’re undesirable and lack agency - but in this desperation to be seen came this universal acceptance & unchallenging of the privileged and self entitled behaviour of the protagonist? Because it’s all in the name of lust! Gross. I hate that July wrote this story like this. How boring is it to explore desire in this lens of a sterile lack of consequence white womanhood who harms those around her?! Tale as old as time - give us something new!!!!!

My mouth was agape at the quotes of the racism towards Davey (fucking gross) and I loved the playing in the dark linking! Morrison was so right - all American fiction is race fiction. I cannot believe a book with that kind of language has been so popular this summer. Maybe I shouldn’t be surprised but I am! Love this love you this was brilliant - enjoyed it very much xx

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“But the freedom that she seeks is freedom from rules, the epitome of manifest destiny. She doesn’t want to operate in a society with rights and wrongs. She wants everything she desires to be the right choice.” !!!

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Thank you for this brilliant and spot on analysis of All Fours. I read it and had a lot of issues with it, and you've articulated and named the self-entitlement and privilege so clearly. And so much more.

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I did not finish--could not finish--this book despite hearing and reading rave reviews for it nearly everywhere last summer and this fall. It didn't resonate with me at all, and that's why I tossed it to one side. Your analysis of the privileged, racist, and colonialist rhetoric of July's text makes me understand my visceral rejection of it even more clearly. Thank you!

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this was excellent!!! 🥰🥰

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